I’ve always been blown away by the wonderful testimonials we gotten back about Gut Food, but in an industry saturated with gut health products I’ve always been daunted at the task of how to get this blend to to stand on its own.
So…a few months ago I decided to undertake a clinical trial with a small cohort of people screened with a wide range of digestive health conditions. I needed to see data and numbers.
This cohort were instructed on how to slowly scale up intake of Gut Food within their normal diet over the course of two months and asked to measure symptoms and wellbeing both before and after.
Well….we got the results finally in and it has shown a 93.3% improvement in their primary health concern. That is well and above statistical relevance to be able to say it works!
I’m so unbelievably excited and grateful and I can’t wait to present this data when anyone asks about what is different about Nourished Blends Gut Food and whether it’s effective. ✨
Lynsey Koch, BSc. Env. Sci/Nutr. Grad. Dip Edu Published January 2025
Abstract: This study investigates the efficacy of a whole food prebiotic and postbiotic blend, Nourished Blends Gut Food, in improving digestive health and overall wellbeing in individuals with various gastrointestinal conditions. A cohort of 15 participants completed a two-month intervention using this blend. Gastrointestinal symptoms and overall wellbeing were assessed using the Meaningful Measures program. Results demonstrated significant improvements across key digestive health metrics, suggesting that Nourished Blends Gut Food may offer a novel, FODMAP-friendly approach to managing complex gastrointestinal disorders.
Introduction: Gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and functional digestive issues like bloating and constipation, are prevalent globally. Dietary interventions utilising prebiotic fibres and postbiotic compounds have shown promise in modulating gut health. This study evaluates the clinical outcomes of Nourished Blends Gut Food, a whole food supplement combining FODMAP-friendly prebiotic fibres, polyphenols, proteolytic enzymes, and short-chain fatty acids, in managing digestive symptoms and enhancing overall wellbeing.
Study Design: A single-arm, observational cohort study was conducted over a two month period. Participants with self-reported and diagnosed gastrointestinal conditions were recruited and provided with Nourished Blends Gut Food to incorporate into their daily diet. Intake was structured and scaled over the during to slowly build in fibre intake.
Participants: Fifteen adults (mean age: 47.4 years, 80% female, 20% male) with a range of gastrointestinal conditions, including bloating, reflux, constipation, wind, diverticulitis, IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease, completed the trial.
Intervention: Participants consumed a structured daily serving of Nourished Blends Gut Food, a proprietary blend containing organic buckwheat, organic flaxseeds, organic chia seeds, Sunfibre PHGG, organic psyllium husk, organic hemp seeds, organic marshmallow root, organic kiwi fibre (skin included), pomegranate, organically grown vanilla bean powder, organic slippery elm, organic chamomile, papaya, food grade diatomaceous earth, organic Ceylon cinnamon, monk fruit, and a specialised postbiotic digestive blend with short chain fatty acids.
Data Collection: Outcomes were measured using the clinical research Meaningful Measures program, which tracks changes in specific gastrointestinal symptoms and
overall wellbeing. Primary endpoints included changes in digestive health symptom severity, overall wellbeing scores, and self-reported symptom-specific improvements.
Digestive Health Symptom 1:
• Average change score: −2 *
• Percentage of participants with significant improvement: 93.3%
Digestive Health Symptom 2:
• Average change score: −1.2*
• Percentage of participants with significant improvement: 50%
Overall Wellbeing:
• Average change score: −0.9*
• Percentage of participants with significant improvement: 60%
*(negative indicated reduction in symptoms)
Discussion: Nourished Blends Gut Food, designed by Clinical Nutritionist Lynsey Koch demonstrated significant improvements in gastrointestinal symptoms and overall wellbeing in individuals with diverse digestive health conditions. The blend's efficacy may be attributed to its combination of FODMAP-friendly prebiotic fibres, polyphenols, proteolytic enzymes, and postbiotics. These components likely work synergistically to enhance gut microbiota diversity, reduce inflammation, and support gut barrier integrity.
The high percentage of participants experiencing significant improvement in their primary symptom underscores the potential of this intervention in managing conditions such as IBS and functional bloating. Moreover, the inclusion of organic ingredients and a low-FODMAP profile enhances its accessibility for individuals with sensitive digestive systems.
Conclusion: This small cohort study provides preliminary evidence supporting the use of Nourished Blends Gut Food as a dietary intervention for improving digestive health and overall wellbeing. Larger, randomised controlled trials can be conducted to reconfirm these findings and explore the mechanisms of action underlying the observed benefits.